Shailee Mehta got her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from The Slade School of Fine Art, London, and is currently based out of Goa. Observational and experimental drawings, writing, digital collages and photography are all a significant part of her process. Drawing has emerged as the central point of research for her artistic practice, while she continues to explore the process of mark-making through various mediums, the most recent being printmaking. Her work explores the figuration of femininity through the lens of otherness, mythology, and historical forms of fiction. By depicting mundane acts within uncanny spaces, she enjoys creating renderings of intimacies like comfort, desire, awkwardness or, at times, solitude.
Shailee Mehta got her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from The Slade School of Fine Art, London, and is currently based out of Goa. Observational and experimental drawings, writing, digital collages and photography are all a significant part of her process. Drawing has emerged as the central point of research for her artistic practice, while she continues to explore the process of mark-making through various mediums, the most recent being printmaking. Her work explores the figuration of femininity through the lens of otherness, mythology, and historical forms of fiction. By depicting mundane acts within uncanny spaces, she enjoys creating renderings of intimacies like comfort, desire, awkwardness or, at times, solitude.